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5 Interesting Historical Facts about Tennessee

Historical facts about Tennessee

Tennessee – also known as the world’s energy centre- is an American state, popular for its many tourist attractions such as The Smokies, Graceland, The Parthenon, and more. But what a lot of people may not know these facts about Tennessee as this American state carries with it importance history.


5  Fun Facts about Tennessee

There are a many a thing which we would not have today had it not been for Tennessee. Could you imagine a world without the infamous beverage – Coca-Cola? Yes, you read that right. This is why we have curated a list of 5 of the most interesting historical facts about Tennessee, which we bet you didn’t know.

1. Coca-Cola was first bottled in Tennessee

Coca-Cola was first invented in Georgia. However, it was only served as a fountain drink until two businessmen from Missouri, Tennessee, had the idea to start a bottling company. They bought the bottling rights for the drink for only $1 (an amount which was never even collected) – and this is how we got Coca-Cola in its iconic bottle and packaging.

2. The State’s Nickname is the “Volunteer State” for its generous services in the War of 1812

According to the state’s encyclopedia, Tennessee provided the most soldiers in the War of 1812, with a whopping number of 31,000 soldiers. It is also where the highest number of Civil War battles took place (38 in total) after Virginia.

3. We owe the beautiful genre of Country Music to Tennessee

This is true for so many reasons! Tennessee is the birthplace of Elvis Presley and also the state of origin of the Country Music Alliance. In the 1920s, Ralph Peer set up a camp in Bristol to launch the more ‘authentic’ music genre enjoyed by the locals and brought unprecedented attention to the folk scene.

4. The Lost Sea – a mesmerizing secret

Beneath the grounds of Tennessee rests the second-largest underground lake in the world. Known as the Lost Sea, this is the largest underground lake in America and invites tourists worldwide. There is a special glass-bottom boat tour to show tourists around.

5. The longest and oldest radio show is broadcasted from Tennessee

The “Grand Ole Opry’ is the longest running radio show broadcasted in history. It is broadcasted on Friday and Saturday evenings and has been entertaining its listeners since 1925!

Impress Your Friends with These Facts about Tennessee

There you have it. Five most interesting historical facts about the fascinating state. If you have never visited Tennessee or are planning to go there on your upcoming vacations, do not forget to take a mesmerizing trip in the Lost Sea! The state deserves a homage for its historical and cultural heritage.


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