Who Are the Blue People of Kentucky?

By: Sam Watanuki | Last updated: Mar 21, 2024

Kentucky is known for its rolling hills and rich history, but few know about its most intriguing mystery: the blue people. This tale isn’t from a fantasy novel but a real genetic phenomenon.

In the hills of Appalachia, a family with blue skin lived for generations, captivating scientists and locals alike. Their story is a blend of genetics, history, and the sheer unpredictability of human biology.

Martin Fugate: The Patriarch of the Blue

The story starts in 1820 with Martin Fugate, a French orphan, settling in Troublesome Creek, Kentucky. Rumors suggest Martin himself was blue, but it’s his descendants who are famously known for their distinctive skin color.

Appalachian Mountains

Source: Nicholas A. Tonelli/Wikipedia

Martin’s life in this isolated Appalachian region set the stage for one of the most fascinating genetic tales in American history.


The Science Behind the Blue: Methemoglobinemia

So, why were the Fugates blue? It boils down to a rare condition called methemoglobinemia. This genetic disorder results in an abnormal amount of methemoglobin, a form of hemoglobin, in the blood.

Fugate Family Genome

Source: Appalachian History

It’s this methemoglobin that gives the blood — and thus the skin — a blue tint. This condition is usually harmless but incredibly rare and striking in appearance.

Life in Isolation: The Fugate Family Saga

The Fugates’ story is deeply intertwined with their isolated Appalachian home. Living in a remote area with few roads and even fewer outsiders, the Fugates often married within their community.

Appalachian Mountains

Source: Gafoto/Wikipedia

This isolation played a crucial role in perpetuating the rare gene causing their unique blue skin through generations.

A Legacy in Blue: The Fugate Family Tree

Over the years, the Fugate family tree grew, with many branches still showing the blue skin trait. This was a result of the continued intermarriages within the family and the community, including unions with the Stacys, Smiths, the Richies, and the Combs.

Luna Fugate and John Stacy

Source: Appalachian History

Each marriage within these close-knit circles kept the rare gene alive.

Dr. Madison Cawein: The Turning Point

In the 1960s, hematologist Dr. Madison Cawein heard about the blue-skinned people of Kentucky and set out to understand their condition. His research and treatment efforts brought the Fugates’ story into the scientific spotlight.

Dr. Madison Cawein

Source: Southern Mysteries

It was Cawein who identified methemoglobinemia as the cause and found a treatment that could reduce the blue tint of their skin.


The Last Blue Fugate: Benjy Stacy's Story

Benjy Stacy, born in 1975, is known as the last of the blue Fugates. His birth caused a stir in the medical community due to his deep blue skin.

Appalachian Mountains

Source: Shenandoah National Park/Wikipedia

However, like those before him, Benjy’s skin color lightened as he grew older, turning blue only when he was cold. His case marked the end of an era for the blue-skinned Fugates.


The Modern Fugate Family: A Genetic Rarity

Today, the question arises: Are there any blue Fugates alive? The likelihood of seeing another blue Fugate is slim.

Luna Fugate Stacy

Source: Find a Grave

As the community has grown and diversified, the rare gene causing blue skin has become even rarer, fading into the annals of genetic history.


Documenting the Blue: Media and Cultural Impact

The story of the blue people of Kentucky has captured imaginations worldwide. It has been the subject of books, plays, documentaries, including a Netflix feature, and numerous articles.

The blue Fugates of Kentucky

Source: @SenecaReloaded/Twitter

This media attention has helped to preserve the Fugates’ unique story, showcasing the incredible diversity of the human genetic experience.


A Lesson in Genetics: The Fugates' Contribution

The Fugate family’s story is more than just a medical curiosity; it’s a valuable lesson in genetics.

Person Holding Laboratory Flask

Source: Pexels

Their case has contributed significantly to our understanding of rare genetic conditions and how environmental factors like isolation can affect genetic inheritance.


Visual Records: The Blue People in Pictures

Despite the rarity of their condition, there are photographs and medical records documenting the blue Fugates.

Blue Fugates

Source: Weird Kentucky/Facebook

These images, while respecting the family’s privacy, provide a striking visual testament to the reality of methemoglobinemia and its impact on those who lived with it.


Reflecting on a Unique Legacy

The blue people of Kentucky remind us of the wonders and mysteries of genetics. Their story, rooted in the hills of Appalachia, is a testament to human diversity and resilience.

The blue Fugates of Kentucky

Source: Joe Scott/YouTube

As the last of the blue Fugates grow older, their legacy continues to fascinate and educate, leaving an indelible mark on Kentucky’s history and the field of genetic research.
